2016 International Conference on Global Advancement of Private Universities & Colleges (GAPUC)
7th Annual GAUC Conference
October 14-15, 2016
Xi’an International University, China
Conference Themes:
Internationalization of Quality Assurance
Accreditation and Management of Higher Education
Entrepreneurial Higher Education
Higher Education Globalization
Quality Assurance and Accreditation in a Globalized Society (Pros and Cons of American Higher Education Approach)
Topics of relevance include but not limited to:
1). Internal and External Governance of Private and Public Universities and Colleges.
2). Internationalization of Higher Education.
3). Professors’ Role in the Administration of Private Higher Education Institutions.
4). Government Role and Interest in Higher Education (Public and Private).
5). The Role of Private and Public Higher Education Institutions in Community Engagement and Economic Development.
6). Learning in Higher Education (including technology-mediated, culturally mediated, experiential, and traditional pedagogy).
7). Entrepreneurial Higher Education.
8). The Role of Student Affairs Administration in Student Education and Growth.
9). Student Recruitment, Enrollment and Demographic Changes
10). Public and Private Higher Education Partnership
11). Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Private Higher Education, and internationalization of Accreditation.

Steve O. Michael
Dr. Steve O. Michael was the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Arcadia University for 5 years, where he was instrumental in establishing the College of Health Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Global Business, and the School of Education.
Prior to his time at Arcadia University, he was a full professor of higher education management at Kent State University, where he also held several administrative positions including interim Associate Dean and Vice Provost for Diversity and Academic Initiatives. Dr. Michael was an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow in 2000-2001 at Carnegie Mellon University. He also served part of his fellowship at the City University of London and the University of Bath in England.
Dr. Michael is a professor of higher education administration with an interest in higher education finance and strategic management issues. His research interest includes the application of business strategies to institutional management, quality assurance, entrepreneurial higher education and global higher education. He has published widely in most of the leading international and national refereed journals in the field of higher education on topics such as diversity in higher education, cost reduction analysis and financial constraints in higher education, presidency and trusteeship, academic program reviews and discontinuation, and marketing of higher education. He is an active presenter at international conferences and a consultant on higher education issues.
Dr. Michael was a British/Canadian Commonwealth Scholar and the recipient of the first Sheffield Award for the best article published in the Canadian Journal of Higher Education. His awards include the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, the Outstanding Faculty Award from Phi Beta Delta, Dean’s Award for professional achievements, and a letter of recognition from the Governor of Alaska. He has directed over 20 doctoral dissertations and theses on topics that include TQM in higher education, financing higher education, internationalization of higher education, and evaluation of college president’s effectiveness. Dr. Michael has served on the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Educational Management – the leading international refereed journal on education management; the American Psychology Association’s Journal of Diversity; and once the associate editor of the Journal of Research in Education.
Dr. Michael earned his doctorate from the University of Alberta, Canada and he is also a graduate of the Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, a trained accreditation consultant-evaluator by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. He is a recipient of Honorary Doctorate from Danubius University, Romania and holds appointment as an honorary professor at Wuzi University, China, and honorary University Councilor at PeiHua University, China. His wide-ranging international background extends from the Sub-Saharan Africa to the Sub-Arctic Alaska.
Dr. Michael was one of the principal founders of the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE), one of the founders of the Association of Chief Academic Officers (ACAO), and one of the founders of the Association for the Global Advancement of Universities and Colleges (AGAUC) for which he currently serves as the President. Steve is a volunteer soccer coach, an ardent ping pong player, and a budding golf player.

Sergey Zapryagaev
- relativistic theory of multiply charged ions, the theory of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with multiply charged ions, the algebra of angular momenta, quantum electrodynamics in the Furry picture, relativistic Dirac equation Green's function, quantum information theory and quantum cryptography;
- problem management and financing in higher education, the establishment of quality assurance systems in higher education, international accreditation of educational programs, the challenges of globalization and internationalization in higher education
2013 -Present
Vice-President. «Association for Global Advancement of Universities and Colleges». USA.
- Accreditation
- Assessment of quality assurance systems,
- Internationalization of higher education systems, universities and colleges in Europe, China and the United States.
2010 - Present
Head of public accreditation projects of ACUR (Association of Classical Universities of Russia)
• Development of principles of ACUR’s public accreditation
• Development of ACUR standards and accreditation criteria
• Conducting the pilot accreditations 2013
• Training of experts.
May 2005-Present
Head of Federal RF Programs “Development of Research Potential of Russian Higher Education System”
1. “Development of the Russian Federal educational standards of bachelor and master degree on the basis of competence and credit systems for training in area of natural-scientific higher education” (2005-2011)
2. “Scientific and methodical maintenance of organization and carrying out of Russian-American research - educational programs in conditions of introduction of a new higher education federal standards” (2009-2011)
- Development of new educational standards and academic plans
- Research activity
- Seven monographers on problems of Russian higher education
- Created (with Kent State vice-provost) Association of Black Sea Higher Education Leaders (ABSHEL)
- Organized International Conferences. (Tunis 2006, Turkey 2008, Romania 2009)
- Organized of Center for Promotion of International Accreditation CPIA

Chen Aimin
Aimin Chen holds a Ph.D. in economics from Pennsylvania State University (1990). She was a tenured professor at Indiana State University (ISU) and was Awarded “Distinguished Professor of the College of Arts and Sciences” at ISU in 2005.
Dr. Chen was former president of the Chinese Economist Society (CES) and executive vice president Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences in the US (ACPSS). Her teaching and research interests are applied economic theories, industrial organization, China’s economic and education reforms, and urbanization. She has published as solo author or first co-author more than 60 articles in English and Chinese academic journals and books, including journals such as World Development, Modern China, China Economic Review, Urban Studies, Ecological Economics, the Social Science Journal, Journal of Socio-Economics, Comparative Economic Studies, etc., and has authored/coauthored and edited/co-edited more than 10 books. She was the first Series Editor of The Chinese Economy Series published by Ashgate Publishing Limited, served on editorial boards for academic journals, and refereed for many academic journals.
Professor Chen returned to China in 2005 and has served as professor and vice president of Sichuan University, president of Sichuan University Jinjiang College, and, currently, president of Xi’an International University, among other duties.
Dr. Chen has been the first one in China to become university president through open global search. She devotes herself to the cause of reform and development of China’s higher education institutions, especially of private colleges that have been relatively new and must competent with public universities that are more established and have many advantages. An economist of numerous publications, she has shifted her interest and priority to the research of higher education administration, just so to make herself a more effective and visionary university president. She has published in China’s top academic journals on issues of higher education management and is near the finishing state of her newest academic manuscript titled Administration of Higher Education Institutions in the US. She also plans to introduce the governance of Chinese universities to the world, and wishes to contribute to internationalization of campuses in all ways that can better serve students and societies across the world.

Andy Pusca
After graduating the Law Faculty within “Danubius” University in 1999, in the same year graduating the Administrative Sciences at the Faculty of Public Administration within the National School of Political and Administrative Studies in Bucharest, I became a teacher right after graduation.
I worked as a lawyer, but I returned to my first passion, that of being a teacher. I worked with several higher education institutions, teaching at the most prestigious universities in Romania. I should mention the extraordinary professional experiences that I lived at the National Institute of Magistracy where I coordinated the activity of trainee magistrates; then I taught Civil Law at the Police Academy and the National School of Political and Public Administration Sciences, Bucharest.
As my soul had always remained in Galati, here at “Danubius” University of Galati I chose in 2008 to dedicate my entire energy and to implement a daring vision for that period in which there was a fierce competition of higher education institutions in Romania.
I managed to achieve that through effective strategic measures, by finding alternatives to diversify our offer and to change our approach. And all of this was achieved with the help of a dedicated staff, enthusiastic students and graduates of our university.
As a Rector, along with my team, we have approached the future of the modern "Danubius" University which has valued the old traditions of higher education, as true strategic visionaries, assuming our new mentality of project management regardless of the field in which we operate: education, research-development-innovation or services.
Internationalization, entrepreneurship, open and online are the key terms that will support and direct our determination to fulfill the objectives of “Danubius” University mission, the university who managed to connect the global community through quality, professionalism, enthusiasm and involvement of its people: students, teachers, non-teaching staff, graduates.